City of Atlanta and Fulton County Public Officials
In addition to making the PAACT, here are more ways to support…

Use the “bully pulpit” to raise awareness and build support for early childhood issues.
Opportunities to highlight the importance of early childhood success include public speeches to community members; town hall and city council meetings; business roundtables; newspaper editorials; television interviews; and special programs on cable TV and local access channels.
Model best practices as an employer and implement family-friendly policies such as flexible time, child care supports, paid leave, etc. Examples include:
Partner to offer on-site, high-quality and/or subsidized child care for employees.
Provide flexibility for parents and caregivers to attend children’s well visits.
Provide gap scholarships for essential service employees and families.
Support a comprehensive, well-funded early childhood system that connects health, education, and child welfare.
Support investments into programs such as the PAACT Scholarship powered by BOOST and Evidence-Based Home Visiting Programs.
Support the use of general funds for early childhood investments. Learn more about the City of Burlington Early Learning Initiative.
Work with agencies to share resources and services that support young families and children. (e.g., The Boston Basics)
Communicate and collaborate with constituents and community partners to understand and address the needs of children and families.
Understand, monitor, and respond to the indicators of child and family well-being in local communities.