Atlanta’s K- 12 and Higher Education Leaders
In addition to making the PAACT, here are more ways to support…
K-12 Leaders
Serve as a visible leader and sustained supporter of early learning.
Dedicate financial resources to early learning programming and/or quality improvements. For example, Atlanta Public Schools’ 2018 resolution publicly expressed support for PAACT's commitments. Read more here.
Sustain the commitment to pay parity for Pre – K teacher and paraprofessionals in Atlanta Public Schools.
Promote alignment and collaboration between and within early childhood and K-12 systems.
Partner with neighboring early childhood education providers to engage in high-quality, joint professional development for preschool to 3rd-grade teachers. For example, APS has supported over 10 elementary principals and leaders in attending the GEEARS Preschool to 3rd Grade Leaders Fellowship.
Understand and implement developmentally appropriate practices that are research-based and data-informed.
Provide transition programs to support young learners, including the critical transition to kindergarten, by working collaboratively with other teaching staff, families, and community members.
Foster a family-friendly atmosphere and serve families with diverse cultural, linguistic, and developmental needs.
Collaborate with families, acknowledging and respecting their strengths, values, cultural practices, and languages.
Partner with local municipalities and entities to provide child care supports to school employees or student parents.
Higher Education Leaders
Communicate and disseminate relevant research findings and translate for policy and practice.
Incorporate into coursework resources and tools that promote child- and family-centered practices and adopt a pedagogical approach that promotes P-3 alignment.
Partner with communities and practitioners to support collaboration across child- and family-serving systems and build research-practice partnerships.
Adopt a two-generation approach to support student parents and other caregivers enrolled in postsecondary and work training programs.
Communicate and disseminate relevant research findings and translate for policy and practice, such as A323 The Partnership for School Readiness and Achievement from Age 3 to Grade 3 (Atlanta 323)